






詩中首先描繪了村莊的地理環境:“蜀道之難, 難於上青天”,山峻路險,非常難以到達。接著詩人描述了西村的景色:“蒹葭蒼蒼, 白露為霜”,蔥蘢的蒲草下,潔白的露水如同白霜一般。村莊周圍是險峻的山巒,翠綠的樹木和鮮花點綴其間,構成了一幅宜人的田園畫卷。





You Shan Xi Cun

You Shan Xi Cun

yóu shān xī cūn


Translated and Annotated in Pinyin

In the picturesque region of Nanjing, there lies a quaint and enchanting village called You Shan Xi Cun. With its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm-hearted inhabitants, this hidden gem is a haven for those seeking tranquility and a connection with nature.

The name "You Shan Xi Cun" can be broken down into three components: "You," "Shan," and "Xi Cun." The word "You" translates to "wandering" or "exploring." It implies the act of journeying without a specific destination in mind, emphasizing the village's sense of adventure and discovery. "Shan" means "mountain," highlighting the village's location nestled amidst rolling hills and towering peaks. Finally, "Xi Cun" is the term for "village" or "hamlet." It reflects the simplicity and rustic charm that permeates every corner of this idyllic location.

Despite its remote location, You Shan Xi Cun has managed to preserve its cultural heritage. The village is known for its traditional architecture, with beautifully preserved houses made of wood and clay. These houses, adorned with intricate carvings and colorful paintings, reflect the craftsmanship and artistic prowess of the villagers throughout the centuries.

Furthermore, the villagers take pride in their local customs and traditions. They celebrate festivals with great enthusiasm, showcasing their vibrant costumes, traditional music, and captivating dance performances. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the festivities, adding a touch of liveliness and charm to their experience.

As you wander through the village, you'll encounter friendly locals who greet you with warm smiles and open hearts. Their hospitality is unparalleled, and they are always eager to share the stories and legends that surround their beloved village. Their tales are often intertwined with the mystical mountains that surround them, adding an air of magic and intrigue to each narrative.

In conclusion, You Shan Xi Cun is a sanctuary for those seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. It offers an opportunity to reconnect with nature, experience ancient traditions, and forge connections with kind-hearted individuals. Whether you're an adventurer seeking new horizons or a culture enthusiast longing to delve into the past, You Shan Xi Cun is a destination that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.