



[líng yún zhuàng zhì jìng hé sì , gù rén qiān lǐ mù 。]

[[Translation: My lofty ambitions are nothing when compared to the friend who has traveled a thousand miles.]]


[gèng fēng yǔ jiān xiāng sòng , zhì jīn sī xiàng yǔ 。]

[Translation: The wind and rain accompanied me, reminding me of the great hero Xiang Yu.]]


[tián yuán jiāng suì mù , niàn cǐ shāng jiā chén 。]

[Translation: As the year is coming to an end, I think of the beauty of this moment.]]


[shuí niàn xián liáng xī , xīn yōu dú qiǎn qiān 。]

[Translation: Who will remember the virtuous and kind-hearted? My heart is sad as I am alone in my exile.]]


[chū mò duō gù rén , qīng fēng jiē wéi jūn 。]

[Translation: I have encountered many old friends, and every gentle breeze reminds me of you.]]


[yáng huā yǔ chūn rì , tuán tuán rú hé pán 。]

[Translation: The willow blossoms and the spring day, they twirl around, forming a beautiful scene.]]


[lí bié yīn qín pěng , míng yuè gòng bēi kàn 。]

[Translation: Farewell, my dear friend, and let us share our sadness under the bright moon.]]


My lofty ambitions are nothing when compared to the friend who has traveled a thousand miles.

The wind and rain accompanied me, reminding me of the great hero Xiang Yu.

As the year is coming to an end, I think of the beauty of this moment.

Who will remember the virtuous and kind-hearted? My heart is sad as I am alone in my exile.

I have encountered many old friends, and every gentle breeze reminds me of you.

The willow blossoms and the spring day, they twirl around, forming a beautiful scene.

Farewell, my dear friend, and let us share our sadness under the bright moon.


Líng yún zhuàng zhì jìng hé sì, gù rén qiān lǐ mù.

Gèng fēng yǔ jiān xiāng sòng, zhì jīn sī xiàng yǔ.

Tián yuán jiāng suì mù, niàn cǐ shāng jiā chén.

Shuí niàn xián liáng xī, xīn yōu dú qiǎn qiān.

Chū mò duō gù rén, qīng fēng jiē wéi jūn.

Yáng huā yǔ chūn rì, tuán tuán rú hé pán.

Lí bié yīn qín pěng, míng yuè gòng bēi kàn.








Shu Li

Amidst the lonely mountains, the moon mourns over the beauty left behind. Returning to the imperial palace by boat, the shining light reflects diagonally against the Phoenix Gate. In the distant peaks of the Orchid Hall, clouds cover the night, and the silent jade hourglass flows through the whole night.

The flowers in the Han Palace fade away, while the intoxicating wine of the Tang Dynasty fills the cups. Dreams and souls burst into fragments in the dust. After the song ends, who would listen to the lingering strings? The painted eyebrows are cold, as the Jiang Bridge turns back into a serene blue.






關雎 guān jū

關關雎鳩 gūan gūan jū jiū

在河之洲 zài hé zhī zhōu

窈窕淑女 yāo tiǎo shū nǚ

君子好逑 jūn zǐ hǎo qiú

參差荇菜 xiān cī xìng cài

左右流之 zuǒ yòu liú zhī

窈窕淑女 yāo tiǎo shū nǚ

寤寐求之 wù mèi qiú zhī

求之不得 qiú zhī bù dé

寤寐思服 wù mèi sī fú

悠哉悠哉 yōu zāi yōu zāi

輾轉反側 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè

參差荇菜 xiān cī xìng cài

左右采之 zuǒ yòu cǎi zhī

窈窕淑女 yāo tiǎo shū nǚ

琴瑟友之 qín sè yǒu zhī

參差荇菜 xiān cī xìng cài

左右芼之 zuǒ yòu mào zhī

窈窕淑女 yāo tiǎo shū nǚ

鍾鼓樂之 zhōng gǔ yuè zhī

The Guan Ju:

The guanguan and the jiujiu

On the isle in the river

There is a beautiful maiden

An admirable gentleman seeks her

The uneven water parsley

Flowing left and right

The beautiful maiden

He dreams of her day and night

He seeks but cannot obtain

He dreams of serving her

He tosses and turns

Restless throughout the night

The uneven water parsley

He collects from left and right

The beautiful maiden

He plays music with her

The uneven water parsley

He harvests from left and right

The beautiful maiden

He dances and sings with her


