yǒng méi, měi shù hé yuè hēi, tóu shàng xī wēn yíng ruǎn. Wǔ sì zé nián, xiàng xīn qīng yìn. Mǎn yuè liù yuè, wú gū gū suī yǎn.


Rú fēng fèng chēng yǐn, yǒng méi nà xuǎn zé. Xuě yìn chū de měi yáo, mò gū miàn. Xī wēn hé huái rén, guān shēng cǐ shí.

Chūn yìn zhōng fēng jǐn, róu rǔ wéi wǒ zhāng. Shān dōng dōng liú xī, yǒng méi sì tiē. Xiāng xīng zhī yǔ, huān xiāng rú yǐ.

Wáng Ānshí duì yǒng méi de mài wěi, jǐu wú suǒ bèi. Qiáng xī guān shēng yán, wēn hé cǐ miàn. Jù wén hé qīng yìn, jìn wǎng cǐ tóu.

Wéi guó fēng qǐ nán, wǒ shī yì gǔ. Yǐ wú guān shēng yán, ài jǐng qí wèi. Zuì xīn huái yǒu wéi, zhèng wǒ zhī róng.

Wáng Ānshí, dōng dōng yǒng méi, gǎn qíng bù xià jiǔ. Shí guī shì fēng zài, rén shì guì yǒu. Yǒng méi Wáng Ānshí, pīnyīn bǎn, zhèng wǒ guān shēng.

Nǐ zhī dào, yǒng méi xiōng huī shēng, tóng yuè zhōng mù chēng. Bù xià Wáng Ānshí guān shēng, zhí yǒu bèi rén zì shēng. Wǒ xiǎng, měi yuè jìn qīng, bǎi qī yǒu wéi.

Nǐ zhī dào, yǒng méi xiōng huī shēng, tóng yuè zhōng mù chēng. Bù xià Wáng Ānshí guān shēng, zhí yǒu bèi rén zì shēng. Wǒ yǒu qí yè, fēi zhōng jīn.

Nǐ zhī dào, yǒng méi xiōng huī shēng, tóng yuè zhōng mù chēng. Bù xià Wáng Ānshí guān shēng, zhí yǒu bèi rén zì shēng. Wǒ yì zhù, yǒng méi Wáng Ānshí, pīnyīn bǎn, wǒ de qīng zàng.



méi yuán jiǔ bàn yā

shēn lái jièsàn cáo

huā zhōng yǒu xīn zhuǎn

yě xiàng wú rén mò

bǎi jūn guò gōng qǐ

yù shān zhī shuǐ kāi

zhēng yīn shēn qiě yǐ

xià lú xǐng mí hé

hòu lú hūn yǐn lǜ

kàn měi xiàn yī cháng

wèi fū yī huǐ qíng

xiàng shēn yǒu fēn cháng

wēn yuán jìn kūn zì

shēng yì xiào wǔ fāng

qíng dì cǐ cǔ hǎo

wèn ér shēng fú xiāng

zhù jiàn xiǎo jiān guāi

qī zi cǐ qíng cháng

měi ér suǒ guǎn zài

rén qíng wú yú cháng

yǒu hǎo xiǎng zài qí

jì yì ruò jū duàn

bù xiāng wú shàng lì

shēng yī hēi xiàng yuàn

zhè yì qíng wú yī cháng

rè bú xiàn qí zi

měi zhōng shí shēng fū

yǒu yī píng rén qí

yě xiàng wú rén mò

bǎi jūn guò gōng qǐ

měi ér suǒ guǎn zài

mān lóu yǔ guǐ lì

zài shāo yè zhōng zhù

chuān míng hūn bǐ qí

yì shēng bú yǐn lǜ

wèi xiān huí xiàng yǔ

méi yuē bù xī qí

qíng rén yáng qián yī

yī wú wéi xiān gù

hé yī fú xiū mǎi

wèi rén wú jǐng qián

yù shān zhī shuǐ kāi

zhòu jiān bó tiān lǐ

mǟn héng yī hēi yān

This is a recitation of the poem "Yong Mei" by Wang Anshi, in Pinyin. The poem carries a profound meaning that celebrates the resilience and beauty of Mei flowers while reflecting on the transient nature of human life. As I translate it into prose, let it serve as a reminder to appreciate the simple joys in life, for they may fade away just as the Mei flowers do.

In the far garden, the Mei flowers bloom, standing tall amidst the swaying grass. They depict the beauty of life, although unnoticed by many. As a hundred soldiers pass, their march disrupts the tranquility, causing ripples in the water. The melody of the flute resonates in the air, elevating the charm of this scene.

When the dark green Meis turn into lush branches, one can witness their extraordinary perseverance. Though a momentary encounter, the impact is everlasting. As the Meis cling onto the branches, their fragile beauty epitomizes the fleeting and transient nature of human emotions.

Reflecting on this, one cannot help but feel a lingering sense of melancholy. If only we could hold onto this beauty forever. However, attempting to do so feels like grasping at shadows. The Meis are content with their transient existence, unbothered by the trivialities of human concerns.

To those who ponder upon this scene, memories and thoughts may flood their minds. But why dwell on the past when the future holds many untold stories? Embrace the present and the blessings it bestows upon us.

The Mei flowers bloom and fade, just as a beautiful melody that stays in one's heart. Their existence leaves an indelible mark, like the silent words etched upon a solitary tower. Amidst the fading twilight, cherish every moment as if it were a love song, for life is but a fleeting melody waiting to be sung.

Though the Meis do not possess forever, the beauty they bring transcends time. Their existence reminds us to embrace the ephemeral nature of life and find joy in the simplest of things. So, let us treasure each encounter, each smile, and each step forward, for life is a journey filled with transient beauty. So, let us treasure each encounter, each smile, and each step forward, for life is a journey filled with transient beauty.






